Online pregnancy testing is a possibility that few people know about.
After all, technology has come to make life easier for us in every aspect, including one of a woman's happiest moments.
Here's how the test works.

Embarazo test online
In principle, if you are a woman in the fertile period, the online pregnancy test can help you. With technology advancing more and more every day, everything in our lives is becoming easier, whether it's personal or professional.
This test works in the following way: Women in the fertile period answer a questionnaire. In this way, they give a series of data that can confirm that they are pregnant.
Once they have finished the questionnaire, and obtained the answer, it is necessary to follow up with other methods to discover the possible pregnancy. In this case, a pregnancy test is carried out, which will indicate the positive or negative result.
Application of the pregnancy test
Just like the online pregnancy test, there are apps that guide women through their fertile period. In any case, just like the online test, the app also has a series of questions to guide the user in the best possible way.
The app is much more interactive than the test. When accessing it for the first time, the user has access to a lot of intuitive information, such as: dates and cycles, and current feelings.
Finally, because of the amount of information requested in the application, it is possible to find out whether or not the woman is pregnant. As with the online test, it is necessary to confirm the possibility of pregnancy with the help of a pharmacy test.
Available APPs
Now that you know that technology can help you during your fertile period, you need to know about the app options available. Get started:
- Clue: This app can help women to test for pregnancy. At the end of the day, it provides a wide range of information, such as the menstrual and fertile periods. Users also get a weekly report on: flow, fertility period and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome;
- Get Baby, Pregnancy: This is another very suitable fertility app. Like the previous one, it provides a lot of information about the users' fertile period.
Pregnancy download en: Android ; IOS
- GlowGlow is a popular pregnancy test app designed to help women monitor their fertility and pregnancy with ease.
The app allows users to track their menstrual cycles, ovulation and symptoms, making it easier to predict ovulation and conception. Once pregnant, the app offers users a calculator of the expected delivery date and personalized perspectives on their pregnancy.
The app also includes functions such as daily health information, community support and specific exercises for pregnancy, making it a complete tool for women who want to manage their pregnancy from start to finish. With its easy-to-use interface and advanced technology, Glow is a reliable and effective pregnancy test app that has helped countless women take control of their fertility and pregnancy.
Glow discharge en: Android ; IOS
- OviaOvia is a popular pregnancy testing application that offers a complete set of functions to help women track their fertility and pregnancy. The app offers personalized information based on the user's data, making it possible to accurately predict ovulation and delivery dates.
Ovia also includes tools for monitoring weight gain, nutrition and exercise, making it easier to manage a healthy pregnancy. In addition, the app offers a range of educational resources, such as articles and videos on prenatal health and childcare, as well as a community support forum where users can get in touch with other pregnant women.
Thanks to its easy-to-use interface and solid functions, Ovia is a reliable and effective pregnancy test application that has helped countless women to take the guesswork out of their pregnancy.
Doescarga Ovia in: Android ; IOS
How pregnancy test apps work
At first, although the apps have a high percentage of correct answers, it is necessary to confirm the pregnancy effectively. That is, take a test at the pharmacy and consult a professional specialist.
And if the pregnancy is confirmed during the consultation, the pregnant woman must undergo medical follow-up throughout the period. This procedure involves blood tests, vitamin intake, ultrasound scans and other processes.
So if you're positive about any of the apps or web pages, don't hesitate and seek professional advice. It's the best way to maintain the health of the pregnant woman and the baby, especially in the early stages.
When can I take a pregnancy test?
If you think you're pregnant, take the test as soon as possible. However, when a woman understands what happens to her body during pregnancy, the whole procedure becomes clearer.
Some online tests help pregnant women find out about a possible pregnancy. The main questions are ¿When did you have your last menstrual period? ¿What is the usual length of your cycle?
When the egg is fertilized, it travels to the uterus and attaches itself to it. At this stage, the first signs of the pregnancy hormones, hCG, begin to appear in the pregnant woman's orina.
When the pregnant woman takes the test in advance, it is possible to know whether or not she is pregnant. However, if the results are negative in the first stages, especially in the case of the hCG hormone, it may not be enough.
As the pregnancy progresses, the hCG hormones increase considerably. Therefore, if you take the test later, the results may be different.
Now that you understand the importance of the test, you can take it to find out about the possible pregnancy. Remember: if the result is positive, take a test at the pharmacy and consult a specialist to confirm it.
It should be noted that, in the early stages, it is not always possible to detect whether or not you are pregnant. In this case, rely on the help of a professional, especially to be completely sure whether or not you are pregnant online.

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